What is skin cancer (melanoma)?
Hello friends, I hope you are all well, so today I will tell you what skin cancer is. One of the most common cancers is skin cancer or skin cancer. This problem is caused by the growth of abnormal cells in the skin, which can gradually spread throughout the body. Skin cancer is the most easily curable cancer if it is caught in time. What are the main signs and symptoms? There are basically three types of skin cancer, each with its own set of signs and symptoms. These three types of skin cancer and their signs and symptoms are: Basal cell skin cancer - The most common type of skin cancer is the appearance of tiny shiny or white faint lumps on the body. Squamous cell skin cancer - Pink and uneven bottom lumps appear on the body. Melanoma - black spots or lumps on the skin. These lumps and rashes are chronic and spread throughout the body over time. What are the main reasons for this? The primary cause of skin cancer is excessive exposure to the sun's ultraviolet rays. Skin cancer is more common in people whose immune systems are relatively weak, or whose skin is pale or fair due to low melanin production.Other things that indicate skin cancer are:
Presence of large number of sesame seeds in the body.
Attacks of skin cancer in the past.
The presence of small spots on the skin.
How is this disease diagnosed and treated?
Any general practitioner or dermatologist is able to diagnose this disease.
If a patient has symptoms of skin cancer, a biopsy is usually used to make a definitive diagnosis. Since basal cell skin cancer does not spread in the body, it does not require any examination other than biopsy. In the case of the other two types of skin cancer, a few more tests are performed to determine the extent of the spread of the disease. These tests are used to determine the extent of the disease by applying fine needle aspiration (FNA) to the lymph nodes.
Non-melanoma skin cancers are treated with some non-surgical treatments, such as cryotherapy, anti-cancer creams, photodynamic therapy, or guided radiotherapy.
Early treatment for melanoma skin cancer is similar to treatment for non-melanoma skin cancer. But later stage treatment requires the application of a new graft or tissue to replace the affected skin tissue through surgery.