Hello friends,
I hope you are all well. Let me tell you about a headache. Symptoms of pain in any part of the head or neck are called headaches. It can be on one side or both sides of the head, at one point or spread from one point to the other. Most headaches are sharp or dull and can last from a few minutes to a few days. Assessing a headache can be an easy or difficult task. Although headaches are not harmful in most cases, in any case it indicates a serious illness. Headaches can be major or minor. No cause of major headache is known; Headaches are caused by other ailments that cause traction or inflammation inside the head. Different types of headache symptoms are specific, they occur in a unique way. So it requires appropriate treatment.
Different types of headaches have different types of characteristic patterns. By identifying the type of headache, the doctors diagnose the possible type of headache and arrange for further examination and treatment.
The main headache
Here are some common types of headaches and their symptoms:
Migraine is a hereditary disease. Migraine is preceded by a completely reversible neurological symptom that can be seen or felt visually. The headaches continue to grow slowly; Then it decreases - which is called 'are'. These are further characterized by varying degrees of recurrent headaches, sensitivity to light, types of sleep disturbances, and emotional exhaustion.
Tension-like headaches
It is a very common form of headache, which lasts for about 80% of the lifetime. These dull headaches are usually on both sides of the head. Their intensity is very low to moderate. These headaches are occasional, frequent, or chronic.
Cluster headaches
Cluster headaches start suddenly. This pain occurs in the middle and upper part of the face and around the eyes. This pain occurs 1-8 times a day and lasts from weeks to months. Sometimes there is no pain at all. The absence of this pain can range from a few months to several years. This burning pain is sudden and lasts from 15 minutes to 3 hours. Sometimes this pain lasts for 24 hours - hence it is called 'alarm clock headache'. This pain causes tears in the eyes, nasal congestion and insomnia.
Sinus headache
Common symptoms of this pain are pain or pressure on the face, stuffy nose and sinuses and headaches. This pain is usually seen after a viral or bacterial infection. This is accompanied by frequent runny nose, decreased or no sense of smell, facial pain and fever. The disease is cured within a week after taking antibiotics.
Headaches like lightning
This severe and intense pain starts suddenly or slowly. It can be major or minor. Secondary causes may be cerebral hemorrhage, sudden drop in brain pressure, and high blood pressure.
New daily permanent headache
It is a permanent headache that occurs daily and which feels clear. This pain has no symptoms. It's like a migraine or tension headache. It can only be diagnosed if it has symptoms for 3 months or more.
Hemicrania continues
It is a chronic disease that occurs every day. It is on one side of the head and its intensity is moderate. With this headache the eyes become red and itchy, the nose closes or there is a runny nose. The eyelids are drooping like cluster headaches.
Minor headaches
When a headache does not fall into any of the main categories, but the situation continues to get worse, one must be careful and find out the underlying cause. Secondary headaches have no symptoms.
Headache Treatment - Treatment of Headache in Bengali
The best way to deal with the condition is to start treatment as soon as possible with the advice of a doctor. After examining the symptoms, the doctor may recommend one of the following:
Be self-educated
A key to successful treatment is to educate yourself about the types of headaches. Your doctor may ask you to write down the details of the disease with a headache diary. Also write down what caused the headache, what you did to get relief, and what other important things happened.
Stress control:
As mentioned earlier, stress is one of the most common causes of headaches in today's world. Your doctor may recommend effective ways to reduce stress, such as yoga, meditation, deep breathing exercises, perfume therapy, music therapy, or pet therapy.
Ask your doctor for medication
If the symptoms are very severe or chronic, your doctor may prescribe medication. These drugs are generally divided into three categories.
Medication according to symptoms
These are very simple over-the-counter drugs, such as paracetamol, aspirin or ibuprofen. But keep in mind that high doses of drugs can do more harm than good. So it is best to get the safety information from the doctor.
Failing medicine:
As the name implies, these drugs prevent the onset of pain as soon as the first symptoms of the headache appear. These types of drugs include ergotamine and sumatriptan for injection. However, if you want to buy these, you will need a doctor's prescription.